Getting back to the gym after giving birth

We’ve been asked hundreds of times, “when can I get back to training?”

Our understanding of post-partum women’s health has emerged and grown at an exponential rate in the last 5 years, so not only have we become more aware of the importance of the topic, but we have also enhanced ways of assessing the post-partum pelvis and have a clearer understanding of the risks and benefits of when and how to get back into training.

Bringing a new life into the world is an incredible journey that demands strength, both physically and mentally. As someone who has recently welcomed a precious addition to your family, you're already a superhero. Now, as you contemplate returning to the gym after giving birth, know that you're embarking on another remarkable chapter—one that's all about rediscovering your own strength, grace, and balance.

The Transition: From Motherhood to Me-Time

Meet Christine — a smart, organized, and busy mom who's ready to feel like herself again. Like you, Christine has embarked on the adventure of motherhood, and she's ready to reintegrate self-care into her routine. It's natural to feel a mix of excitement and apprehension about returning to the gym. The process of reclaiming your pre-pregnancy fitness level while navigating your new responsibilities as a mother requires patience, dedication, and a personalized approach.

Taking the First Step: Gradual Reintroduction

The key to a successful transition back to the gym is gradual reintroduction. Just as you took small steps during your pregnancy journey, now is the time to pace yourself. Begin by consulting with experts who understand the unique needs of postpartum bodies. At our clinic, we're here to guide you every step of the way. We help mothers like Christine navigate this significant life stage.

Your Body's Journey: The Postpartum Experience

Recognizing that your body has gone through an incredible transformation is essential. Christine, just like many mothers, may find herself grappling with changes in her body post-baby. It's normal to have mixed feelings about these changes. That's why we're here—to provide you with a safe and accepting space where you can express your thoughts and set realistic goals for regaining strength and empowerment.

Empowerment Through Expertise

Our approach goes beyond physical training. We understand the unique concerns and fears that mothers face when returning to exercise after giving birth. Christine's apprehensions about hurting herself during training are valid, which is why we focus on load management and tailored training plans. With the guidance of our skilled professionals, you'll embark on a journey that's both effective and safe.

Personalized Pathways to Success

As Christine's journey unfolds, she'll discover that her return to the gym is more than just about physical fitness—it's a testament to her resilience and commitment to her well-being. We work closely with mothers to create personalized plans that align with their schedules, goals, and lifestyles. Whether you're aiming to regain your strength, enhance your energy, or simply relish some "me-time," we're here to help you thrive.

A Holistic Approach to Postpartum Wellness

Motherhood is a transformative journey, and your well-being matters as much as your baby's. We're here to offer holistic support that goes beyond exercise—because your health encompasses physical, emotional, and mental aspects. By engaging in open conversations, setting realistic goals, and offering guidance on nutrition and self-care, we empower you to be the best version of yourself as your family grows.

Christine's journey back to the gym is just one chapter in the remarkable narrative of motherhood. With our unwavering support, expertise, and commitment to your well-being, you'll find that the path to regaining your strength and vitality is both achievable and rewarding. As you step into this new phase, remember that you're not alone.

If you have any questions or are ready to embark on your postpartum fitness journey, we're just a call away. Let's make your return to the gym a celebration of your strength, resilience, and the incredible journey you're embracing.

No one gets stronger by resting

Injuries and niggles are natural part of pursuing an engaged and active life.

The problem is that we often want to rest or avoid a region that begins to hurt.

You might have seen a health professional about who recommended resting the injured area to avoid it getting worse…

And by all means, with rest it actually does feel better…

But what has this taught you?

So often we see patients that either keep re-injuring themselves on a particular movement OR they avoid a movement altogether because that movement keeps hurting them.

Resting can sometimes create an avoidant relationship with the movement that exposed a weakness…

It’s that exact movement that is the solution to your ongoing problem…

For example…

“I keep hurting myself whenever I deadlift…so I think I’ll be ok if I just avoid them…”

There is nothing wrong with a deadlift - it’s actually a very powerful and important movement for building strength.

What it’s doing though is exposing something that needs to be worked on and it’s usually either:

  • Your hip hinge

  • Your posterior chain strength

Why would you avoid working on these major elements?

Nobody gets stronger by resting or avoiding the work that needs to be done to strengthen them.

So if you’re injured and have pain, the earlier we can re-introduce the incriminating movement back into your program, the better…


Because it rebuilds confidence and minimises fear and apprehension associated with movement - which is supposed to hold a positive and healthy frame in our minds.

Moral of the story - if you hurt yourself deadlifting, then the best thing to do is deadlift. And that goes with any movement.

4 Important Points to Safely Excel in CrossFit: Injury Prevention Essentials

In so many cases, we hear coaches saying to us how often they hear that a major objection prospective members have when considering CrossFit as part of their training is that they “don’t want to get hurt”.

Over the years, we have worked with thousands of CrossFitters, so we can say with some experiential authority, that there are a few key reasons that people end up hurting themselves.

As you immerse yourself in the world of CrossFit, what will tend to happen is that it will expose areas where strength or control might not be adequate. What that means is that due to the whole body nature of the training, you are forced to use your body in ways which you haven’t done in many years and in some cases - ever. It’s natural to discover areas of deficiency that you didn’t realise you had. These are problems found because you’re proactively seeking to improve your health. It’s an opportunity to work on your health and longevity.

In the case that you do get hurt in CrossFit though - here are 4 common reasons why:

  1. Self-Control: Honoring Your Limits CrossFit's enthusiasm for pushing boundaries can sometimes lead to the temptation of overexertion. However, it's essential to exercise self-control and listen to your body. Respect your limits and refrain from pushing beyond what feels safe and sustainable. By gradually increasing the intensity and difficulty of workouts, you can build a strong foundation while minimizing the risk of overuse injuries or burnout.

  2. Load Management: Balancing Challenge and Safety In CrossFit, it's common to work with varying loads and resistance. Effective load management is the key to preventing injuries. Avoid the temptation to lift excessively heavy weights or perform high-intensity exercises without proper technique. Engage in regular assessments of your progress and collaborate with coaches or trainers to design workouts that challenge you while maintaining a focus on form and safety.

  3. Recovery Matches Training: Prioritize Rest and Repair To excel in CrossFit, the importance of recovery cannot be overstated. Your body needs time to repair and rebuild after intense workouts. Embrace a recovery routine that includes rest days, proper nutrition, and ample sleep. Recovery not only minimizes the risk of injuries but also enhances your performance during workouts, allowing you to give your best effort each time.

  4. Skill Proficiency: Technique Before Intensity Mastering the proper techniques for CrossFit exercises is fundamental to preventing injuries. Before focusing on intensity, dedicate time to develop proficiency in each movement. Work with qualified coaches who can guide you through the correct form and offer scaling options as you progress. Emphasizing skill proficiency ensures that your body is prepared for the demands of high-intensity training.

At Balance Health & Performance, we understand the passion and commitment you bring to CrossFit, and we are here to support your journey. Our team of Chiropractors and Physiotherapists in Sydney is dedicated to helping you achieve your fitness goals while minimizing the risk of injuries. Embrace these four crucial points, and embark on a remarkable CrossFit adventure filled with growth, resilience, and the joy of injury-free training. Remember, safety is the ultimate stepping stone to unleashing your full potential in the world of CrossFit.

Training for longevity

As we age, our bodies evolve, and it's essential to adapt our approach to health and fitness accordingly.

Three important themes crucial to your well-being whilst staying active in your 30’s and 40’s are: understanding ego in the gym; recognizing the changing dynamics of recovery rates after 30 and 40; and the importance of being mindful in your daily training routine.

  1. Ego in the Gym:
    Embrace your unique journey as you engage in fitness activities, it's natural to feel the urge to keep up with the younger crowd or maintain the same level of performance you once had.

    Comparing yourself to others can lead to unnecessary strain. Instead, focus on your individual progress and celebrate the achievements of your unique fitness journey. Embrace your experience and wisdom, recognizing that your pursuit of health and well-being is a personal and fulfilling endeavor.

  2. Recovery rates and adaptability after 30 and 40:
    As you progress into your 30s and 40s, it's essential to acknowledge that recovery rates change.

    Your body may require more time to recuperate from intense workouts or strenuous activities. Listen to your body and prioritize proper recovery techniques, such as sleep, nutrition, and active rest days. Incorporating these practices enhances your body's ability to adapt, manages load, and ensures sustainable fitness progress.

  3. Mindful Training:
    Balancing intensity and sustainability. Being mindful of the type of training you do on a daily basis is key to long-term success.

    Strike a balance between challenging workouts and sustainable exercise routines. Include a mix of strength training, cardiovascular activities, and flexibility exercises to promote overall fitness. For a lot of people, having back to back hard training days means they take the rest of the week to recover.

    Mindful training empowers you to maintain peak performance without sacrificing your well-being.

Keep these in mind, especially if your goal is longevity and slowing the ageing process.

We are constantly guiding our patients to manage their load, so hopefully this speaks to you.

We are always here to support you on your journey. Always know we are ready to help you if you are.

What to do if your child complains of pain

As parents, it's natural for us to feel concerned when our children complain of pain. It's important not to dismiss their discomfort, as it could be indicative of an underlying issue.

Here are three key steps to take when your child complains of pain, helping you navigate their discomfort with attentiveness and care.

  1. “Tell me more”
    When your child opens up about pain, it's crucial to encourage them to express themselves fully. Instead of brushing off their complaints or assuming it's a minor issue, take the time to sit down with them and say, "Tell me more about the pain.".

    Sometimes children complain a lot in the very short term, so it can be tempting to just say “you’re fine, it’s nothing…”. You want to encourage a relationship where they don’t feel belittled or dismissed.

    By actively listening and showing genuine interest, you create a safe space for your child to share their experiences. This step helps you gather valuable information about the pain they are experiencing.

  2. 48 hour rule
    Pain in children can sometimes be transient and resolve on its own. To assess the severity and persistence of the pain, observe your child's behavior over a 48-hour period.

    During this time, monitor if the pain persists, worsens, or resolves completely. This observation period allows you to gauge whether the discomfort is a temporary issue or requires further attention.

  3. Limping or nursing:
    Children may not always vocalize their pain consistently, especially if they fear consequences or worry about upsetting their parents. In such cases, pay close attention to their body language. Observe if they limp or favor a specific body part while walking or running.

    Additionally, discreetly observe their behavior when they don't realize you're watching. They may unknowingly nurse the pain or display discomfort when engaged in activities. These subtle cues can provide valuable insights into the intensity and impact of their pain.

When your child complains of pain, it's important to approach the situation with empathy and attentiveness. By asking them to "tell me more" instead of dismissing their concerns, you create an environment where open communication thrives. Additionally, observing their pain for a 48-hour period and being mindful of signs such as limping or nursing the pain can help you assess the severity and persistence of the discomfort.

We consult children with their parents about their problem. Often it’s reasssuring for both the parent and the child to know that their problem will be fine. Often kids enjoy coming to the clinic as we like to make it as fun as possible and is often less daunting than visiting other medical centres. Always feel free to call or email us if you’re not sure.

Our role is to THINK before we treat...

When seeking injury management, it's crucial to understand the significance of thoughtful assessment and the role it plays in your recovery.

At Balance Health & Performance in Sydney, our Chiropractors and Physiotherapists prioritize comprehensive assessments before initiating treatment. In this blog, we delve into the importance of setting realistic expectations and choosing practitioners who take the time to understand your unique circumstances, especially when dealing with injuries like Achilles tendonitis.

  1. Comprehensive Assessment for Injury Understanding:
    As primary healthcare providers specializing in injury management, we begin by conducting a comprehensive assessment. Our Chiropractors and Physiotherapists in Sydney take into account your injury history, lifestyle factors, and current symptoms to gain a holistic understanding of your condition. This enables us to identify the underlying factors contributing to your Achilles tendonitis and develop a targeted treatment plan that addresses the root cause of the injury.

  2. Addressing Risks and Contradictions:
    Thoughtful assessment allows us to identify potential risks and contradictions related to your injury and its management. By reviewing your medical history, previous treatments, and current medications, we can mitigate the chances of adverse reactions or contraindications. This proactive approach ensures your safety and enables us to make informed decisions about the most suitable and effective treatment options.

  3. Personalized Treatment Plan for Optimal Recovery:
    At Balance Health & Performance, we prioritize personalization in injury management. Through a thoughtful assessment, we gain valuable insights into your specific needs and goals. This information enables us to develop a personalized treatment plan tailored to your Achilles tendonitis. By addressing your unique circumstances, we optimize the effectiveness of the treatment and enhance your recovery experience.

  4. Educating and Empowering You:
    We believe in empowering our patients through education and active participation in their own recovery. A thorough assessment allows us to provide essential information about your Achilles tendonitis, treatment options, and expected outcomes. By understanding the rationale behind the recommended treatment plan, you can make informed decisions and set realistic expectations for your recovery journey.

  5. Trust and Collaboration for Long-Term Results:
    Building trust and establishing long-term relationships with our patients is a core value at Balance Health & Performance. By prioritizing thoughtful assessment, we demonstrate our commitment to your injury management. This approach fosters open communication, allowing you to express concerns, ask questions, and actively engage in your recovery. Together, we can work towards achieving long-lasting results and maintaining your optimal health.

It's vital to choose practitioners who prioritize thoughtful assessment. At Balance Health & Performance in Sydney, our Chiropractic and Physiotherapy services are designed to provide comprehensive care tailored to your specific needs. By understanding your injury, addressing risks, and developing personalized treatment plans, we ensure optimal recovery outcomes. Trust in our expertise and commitment to your well-being as we guide you towards a successful journey of injury management.

Next time you require injury management, remember the importance of a thoughtful assessment. Choose practitioners who prioritize your individual circumstances, set realistic expectations, and empower you through education. By working collaboratively, we can achieve long-term results. Contact our Sydney clinics today and experience the personalized care and expertise of Balance Health & Performance in injury management.

Achilles Tendonitis in Marathon Runners

Embarking on the journey of marathon training can be exciting and daunting at the same time…

You start running, build some momentum, and then, BAM! Achilles pain…

Achilles tendonitis can hinder your progress and dampen your spirits. At Balance Health & Performance, our Chiropractic and Physiotherapy services in Sydney are designed to provide targeted care, leading you towards a successful recovery from Achilles tendonitis. In this article, we will delve into effective strategies, tailored treatments, and the expert guidance we offer to help you overcome this common running injury.

Comprehensive Assessment and Targeted Treatment:
At Balance Health & Performance, we commence your journey to recovery with a comprehensive assessment of your Achilles tendonitis. Our skilled Chiropractors and Physiotherapists in Sydney will diagnose the extent of your injury and identify contributing factors. By understanding your unique circumstances, we develop a personalized treatment plan to address the root causes of your condition, alleviating pain and promoting healing.

Clear Progression Plan:
We believe in transparency and a clear progression plan for your Achilles tendonitis recovery. Collaboratively, we establish short-term and long-term goals aligned with your marathon training timeline. Regular evaluations and adjustments ensure that we closely monitor your progress, adapting the treatment plan accordingly. This clear roadmap empowers you to make informed decisions and confidently progress towards your running goals.

Individualized Training Modifications:
Recovering from Achilles tendonitis while training for a marathon demands careful training modifications. Our Sydney-based experts will work closely with you to modify your training program, allowing your Achilles tendon to heal while maintaining your fitness levels. We offer guidance on appropriate exercises, cross-training options, and a gradual return-to-running protocol to minimize the risk of re-injury.

Education and Self-Care Strategies:
Equipping you with knowledge and self-care strategies is our priority at Balance Health & Performance. We educate you on proper running mechanics, recommend suitable footwear choices, and provide warm-up and cool-down routines. Furthermore, we teach you stretching and strengthening exercises that can be seamlessly incorporated into your daily routine. These strategies not only aid in the recovery process but also prevent future injuries.

Ongoing Support and Communication:
Your journey towards overcoming Achilles tendonitis is a collaborative effort. Our team values open communication, actively involving you in every step of the process. We provide ongoing support, regularly monitor your progress, and make necessary adjustments to optimize your healing and marathon preparation. Rest assured, we are committed to your success and well-being.

Getting to that finish line is one of the most empowering achievements! There will be obstales along the way. It comes down to doing the work required to overcome these obstacles - something we pride ourselves on helping people to do.

At Balance Health & Performance in Sydney, our Chiropractic and Physiotherapy services offer expert care and guidance for injury recovery. Our tailored treatments, clear progression plans, and ongoing support will empower you to conquer Achilles tendonitis and resume your marathon training with confidence. Contact our Sydney clinic today and let us help you overcome this obstacle on your journey to peak performance and well-being.

Injury Prevention and Recovery for Active Professionals: Your Guide to Staying Fit and Pain-Free

As someone active and engaged in health in Sydney, maintaining a healthy and pain-free lifestyle is essential to excel in both your personal and professional endeavors. Whether you engage in intense workouts, sports, or simply have a physically demanding job, injury prevention and recovery should be top priorities.

In this blog post, we'll explore valuable strategies and insights that can help you stay at the top of your game while prioritizing your well-being. Discover how chiropractic and physiotherapy in Sydney can be your allies in achieving optimal performance and pain-free living.

  1. Understanding the Importance of Injury Prevention: When striving towards a goal, it's crucial to prioritize injury prevention. By proactively addressing potential risks, you can avoid setbacks that may hinder your progress. Chiropractic and physiotherapy play integral roles in preventing injuries by enhancing strength, flexibility, and overall body mechanics. Regular consultations with skilled professionals can identify imbalances and offer personalized guidance to mitigate injury risks.

  2. The Role of Chiropractic and Physiotherapy in Injury Recovery: Despite our best efforts, injuries may still occur. When faced with pain or an injury, seeking professional help from chiropractors and physiotherapists early is paramount. Our team have extensive knowledge in musculoskeletal health and rehabilitation. Through a combination of manual therapies, targeted exercises, and evidence-based techniques, they can aid your recovery and restore your physical function.

  3. Tailored Rehabilitation Programs: Chiropractors and physiotherapists in Sydney are well-versed in creating customized rehabilitation programs that cater to your specific needs. These programs address the root cause of your pain or injury and provide a comprehensive approach to restore your mobility, strength, and range of motion. By focusing on your unique circumstances, our team can ensure that your recovery journey is efficient and successful.

  4. Holistic Pain Management: Pain can significantly impact your performance and overall well-being. Chiropractic and physiotherapy offer holistic pain management solutions that go beyond temporary relief. These therapies target the underlying issues causing your pain, rather than just masking the symptoms. For us, finding the cause can be multi-faceted and involves various lifestyle factors on top of your body’s mechanics.

As someone active and engaged in health in Sydney, prioritizing injury prevention and recovery is vital for maintaining your fitness and overall well-being. By embracing chiropractic and physiotherapy as essential components of your wellness routine, you can proactively safeguard against injuries and effectively recover if they occur. These practices offer personalized care, holistic pain management, and tailored rehabilitation programs to keep you performing at your best. So, take the necessary steps to protect your body, seek professional guidance, and work towards your meaningful goals.

Remember, your health is your most valuable asset, and investing in injury prevention and recovery is an investment in yourself and your future success.

For trusted chiropractic and physiotherapy services in Norwest, Belrose and Penrith, contact us at Balance Health & Performance. Our caring professionals combine expertise with a light-hearted and educational approach to help you reach your fullest potential while staying pain-free. Don't let pain and injuries hold you back; take charge of your well-being today!

Values Based Decision Making

At Balance, we are often faced with double binds and tricky situations where tough decisions need to be made. Realistically this is the case for healthcare in general.

For example, when do we need to send someone for an MRI or not?

Believe it or not, this is a much harder decision than what appears on the surface. Technically, we should only be getting scans if there is potentially serious pathology we need to rule in/out.


We think that the scan will show us crucial information that will change the course of treatment.

Combine this, with more and more research showing that MRI scan results often don't correlate with the patient's complaint and that there are also many other things that are irrelevant showing up on scans which often scare patients into believing there is more wrong with them than they originally thought.

It's for these situations (and many many others) that we need a set of guiding principles to help us make these decisions.. are our values.

At Balance our values are to:

  1. Do the right thing. This can be a point of view, but often in our heart, we can sense what the right thing to do is… even if it means we need to say goodbye and refer you elsewhere. In the case of sending you for a scan, is it the right thing to do by you to get this scan after all factors have been taken into consideration

  2. Make a difference. In essence, this means, "what is a good thing to do"... which adds a layer to our first value! Often it’s doing something that gives us and you a good feeling inside, that expresses we are good people and always want to be helpful as a priority.

  3. Act with purpose. Having the right intent and making your intention clear. In the scan example I’ve been using this would mean communicating to you, why we are going for a scan and what we are looking for from it. Simply being prepared for your session and having a plan on what we're going to do on a given day.

With these as guiding principles, making decisions gets easier!

Sometimes, the decisions are less textbook and more ones that make sense between you and your practitioner. Maybe you don't want to spend the money and time on an MRI even though it's theoretically, the correct decision - it simply wouldn't be the right thing to do or make a difference and pushing you towards it would not be acting with the right intent.

We hope you resonate with our values.. we want to lead with our hearts and care for you as a priority. They certainly help us do a better job as clinicians, but also as people.

Fearful or Frustrated?

What Emotion Motivates You To See Your Physio: Fear or Frustration?

There are many reasons you would reach out to a physio (or chiro) you trust. The question is what’s more important for them to provide you with:

  • Reassurance that your problem isn’t major? or

  • A plan of attack on how it will be solved?

You’re probably thinking that both are important! You’d be right - they are..


Generally speaking the key emotion which is also the likely motivating factor behind reaching out for support with your current concern is either fear or frustration. And each injury can be different.

It’s an interesting concept you wouldn’t necessarily think about at the time. But remember back to the last few times you’ve needed physio. What was your motivating emotion?

Let’s look at each of them and how the approach should adjust accordingly.

Fear As The Motivating Emotion

What it sounds like and what to do

“This pain has been gradually getting worse and I don’t know what it is and I don’t know why it’s developed…”

This is something we hear a lot! It’s important that once we do find the cause, you know it’s more often than not, nothing to be majorly concerned by.

You might be surprised by how many patients are just happy to know that their headaches aren’t coming from a brain tumour - and if that’s you - be reassured, you’re not alone.


Check out a throwback to an episode where basic hip pain took a turn for the worst


So what do we do?

First and foremost, it’s important to understand exactly what the person is fearful of. A great physio will ensure the consultation works towards addressing those fears. Usually there needs to be reassurance up front that we will do everything we can to get to the bottom of what is going on. Then it’s about performing a thorough assessment, working towards a diagnosis and triaging the problem. Is it minor and can be dealt with in the clinic, or does it need to be escalated with a referral for further intervention.

MOST of the time, it’s comfortably dealt with in the clinic!

We explain what is going on and what we need to do to put you at ease.

Conversely, sometimes it just that:

Your Pain Is Frustrating You To Know End

Here’s how we manage it

“I’ve had this for ages and it stops me from training the way I want to, and most importantly, it stops me from sleeping through the night. I’m committed to doing whatever I can to get rid of it!”

People carrying frustration with their problem are often motivated, not necessarily by the pain level, but often with what the pain stops them from doing. In fact, many of these people might actually be happy to live with ongoing pain as long as it doesn’t stop them from doing the things they love doing.

So what do we do when a patient is frustrated with what is going on?

First step is to understand the frustration.

Usually it’s activities they can’t do. In some cases, it’s the constant nagging pain signal that just doesn’t go away.

Ensuring that addressing the frustration is the focal point of the examination. Once we have a solid starting point based on the assessment, it’s time to set some goals around how we will overcome the frustrations together. If it’s sleeping through the night without pain, then it’s crucial that the goals are set specifically towards overcoming the frustration more so than getting rid of the pain.

We’re always here to help!

If this has resonated with you, or you know someone this relates to, push it to them to… Sometimes they just need a little push to get them started on their journey!

Physio Myth Busters

There are some super common, and really unhealthy attributions to why you might have a problem. These comments medicalise things that are NORMAL and COMMON!!My core is really weak!?!

My glutes don’t work???

My pain comes from my scoliosis :O

My posture is really bad!?!

Let’s debunk these generalisations right now!!!

My core is really weak!?!

You’re not the only one with a core that needs to be worked on!

Yes, strengthening it does relate to improving back pain (and other) symptoms…


Having a weak core doesn’t cause back pain.

There are probably many different reasons why your back is sore, and commonly it’s because you’re overloading it. That’s not necessarily because your core is weak. We say this because there are many people that continue life with a weak core and go on without pain or discomfort.

If we find that your core can be worked on, it’s only because strengthening it has been shown to improve back pain, but it’s not necessarily why it’s sore in the first place. This might also explain why back pain occasionally returns even though your core is actually quite strong… It’s multifactorial!

My glutes don’t work???

I promise they do work, they might need to get stronger!

The next question is…

“So what if your glutes don’t work?”

Yes, if they don’t work well it might put extra load on other areas, and strengthening them might help, but I can assure you, your glutes do work, and if they didn’t you wouldn’t be able to stand up and walk!

Some people’s glutes just work better than others and occasionally they need to catch up in strength.

My pain comes from my scoliosis :O

The spine you have is the only spine your body knows… if you weren’t ‘told’ that you have a scoliosis, would you know? Would it matter?

People with scoliosis need to build strength everywhere just like everyone with a spine shaped like a pencil. It might just mean your structure might encourage you to move more one way versus another and all it means is that your movement and training needs to be multidirectional and well balanced.

Low and behold - so does everyone’s movement and training!!

My posture is really bad!?!


Not everyone with bad posture has problems. There are theoretically perfect positions that allow people to have well balanced weight distributions through their spinal joints. If your posture is always bad and it’s the cause of your pain, then why don’t you have the pain all the time?

You’ve probably had bad posture your whole life…

It’s just your pattern of movement.

You don’t need to feel guilty for having bad posture. But if you want to improve it, we can work towards a theoretically good position, but it may not necessarily be related to your pain or problem.

The point here is…

You don’t have to be stuck with your problem just because of some excuse that someone convinced you is the cause of why your problem keeps coming back.

It’s a multi pronged approach that is required to help you long term and it’s important that we don’t blame an unchangeable part of us - there is nothing more disempowering..

As always, we’re here to help support you.

Do I need to improve my posture?

We get asked this a lot…

As a physiotherapy and chiropractic clinic, we are frequently asked whether it's necessary to improve posture. While good posture has its advantages, such as reducing muscle tension and preventing back pain, it's not essential for everyone. In this blog post, we'll explore the benefits of improving posture, as well as discuss why it's not always linked to pain and injury, and why it may not be necessary for everyone.

Benefits of Good Posture

Good posture can have numerous benefits, such as improving breathing and circulation, preventing muscle fatigue and tension, and enhancing balance and coordination. Good posture can also improve your confidence and self-esteem, as standing up straight can make you look and feel more confident.

However, it's worth noting that good posture does not guarantee that you won't experience pain or injury. Pain and injury can result from various factors, including poor biomechanics, overuse, and genetics. Although good posture can help reduce muscle tension and improve alignment, it's not a guarantee that you won't experience pain or injury.

Considerations for Posture Improvement

While good posture has benefits, not everyone needs to focus on improving their posture. Some people naturally have good posture, while others may have postural issues that don't necessarily cause pain or discomfort. In fact, some postural deviations, such as a slight forward head posture or a mild scoliosis, may not require treatment.

If you have postural issues that are causing pain or discomfort, it may be worthwhile to seek treatment from a physiotherapist or chiropractor. They can help you identify the underlying causes of your postural issues and develop a treatment plan to address them.

On the other hand, if you don't have any pain or discomfort related to your posture, then it may not be necessary to focus on improving it. However, it's essential to maintain regular exercise, stretching, and movement patterns, as these can help reduce muscle tension and maintain optimal alignment.


Good posture can have its advantages, but it's not necessarily something that everyone needs to focus on. While it can help reduce muscle tension and improve alignment, it's not a guarantee that you won't experience pain or injury. If you have postural issues that are causing pain or discomfort, it may be worth seeking treatment from a physiotherapist or chiropractor. However, if you don't have any pain or discomfort related to your posture, it may not be necessary to focus on improving it. Regardless, it's important to maintain regular exercise, stretching, and movement patterns to promote optimal physical health.

Learning About Your Health

"We repeat what we don't repair"

(Christine Langley-Obaugh)

It goes without saying, repair your injuries!! But that's not the point.

Every patient we meet comes into the clinic not just for pain alone but because the pain is stopping them from doing something important to them!

Over the last decade of practising as a chiro, one observation I’ve had is noticing how in time patients learn more and more about their problem, their body, their health…

It becomes less about us doing the "fixing" and much more about learning how to live in a much more healthy way!

Our speciality is in physical health, so often we help people see the importance of moving more, moving well, being consistent and making that a positive experience rather than "training because if I don't then (insert punishment here)"

We have literally witnessed thousands of people transform their lives, and it's a privilege to behold and be involved in the process!

The other side of the coin…

There are also lots of people that make the decision that their pain is our problem to solve.

They come in when they're in pain, and once that pain is a bit better and they can get back to whatever they were doing, then it's like the problem was never there!

Low and behold…

3 or 6 or 9 months later, they're back again with the same problem!

‘We repeat what we don’t repair’

It is these people (that probably won't read this) who need to learn the crucial lessons about what they need to do in order to live a healthier life.

Pain is an interpretation of a signal and there is research to show that stress amplifies it, and improving emotional regulation decreases it! This has everything to do with personal development and is in the complete control of each and every patient (not the practitioner)

But it comes back to education.

You have the primary role to play in improving your health!

and often…

people make better choices because they are better informed.

Our goal is to support and assist you to repair physically.

Learning about your health and how to live a healthier lifestyle is each of our responsibilities and we all individually need to take ownership of the one and only body we were born with so injuries don’t follow the 3, 6 or 9 month cycle of repeating themselves,

We're here to help, and we always will be!