Exercise with Confidence
with our FREE
Squat Assessment


Do you experience pain or frustration when you squat?

Do you feel like you're not making progress or can't get your chest up when squatting?

Perhaps you feel "twisted," never feel the right areas working, or always feel tight during the squat…

Or maybe you can't squat deep enough and keep falling backwards if you try to go too deep…

We understand how these issues can hinder your performance and affect your confidence.

That's why we're offering a Free Squat Assessment to help you achieve efficient movement, decreased pain, and increased mobility.

Squat Assessment video

During this 45-minute assessment, we'll provide you with a thorough evaluation of your movement and teach you how to squat based on your body type.

You'll learn how to build a routine for comfortable squatting every time and discover the root cause of any related niggles or pain.

We'll also communicate our findings with your coach and make a plan together about what your next steps are to improve your movement. With this actionable plan, you'll feel more confident with your movement and consistently build strength.

Plus, you'll have a better understanding of how your body moves and work with health professionals that are proficient in helping athletes and active people.

Our goal is to help you achieve your goals and empower you towards meaningful progress.

Don't let pain or frustration hold you back from achieving your best performance.

Sign up for our Free Squat Assessment today and experience the benefits of efficient movement, decreased pain, and increased mobility!

Please complete the form below