7 Steps of Pain
According to the International Association for the Study of Pain, pain is “an unpleasant sensory and emotional experience associated with actual or potential tissue damage.” (http://emedicine.medscape.com/article/1948069-overview#a1)
Lets discuss this. Yes, there is an injury present. Depending on what type of tissue and where the tissue is located, we may be more or less sensitive to it. So you’re not making it up, but you’re brain is definitely not helping!!
In my experience this is the general process in your head
1. Injury
2. Ignorance phase
3. Denial phase
4. Frustration phase
5. Analysis phase
6. Catastrophe phase
7. Referral phase
Let’s run through an example of how this process might work in action…
Case history – 30 year old active tradesman, feels a little sore in the lower back during a set of deadlifts.
“Hmmmmm, that didn’t feel right. Probably a one off, let me try again next set see how it is”
The pain is still there and gradually increasing.
“I should stop but its probably cause its heavy. I’ll finish the workout cause its not that bad. Should be gone tomorrow, never really had it so it’s probably a one off”
Next morning…
“Ouch, my back is really quite sore, but its getting better after that hot shower, its probably just DOMS from the workout”
Been sore all day, must of been a tougher workout yesterday, I’ll go to the gym tonight though, see how it is.
No need to scale the workout - “I’ll be fine!”
Now it feels like it’s been a little too long for DOMS... Usually everything’s better by now.
“I should probably not train as hard and tell my trainer. I’ll do some mobility that should help”
“This thing isn’t going away!”
It’s now stopping you from training and annoying you all the time!! Probably need to do something about it..
ANALYSIS PHASE: (Day 7-14) – where you now ask yourself the questions
– When is it hurting me?
– What can’t I do at the gym and at work?
– Where exactly is the pain?
– Every time I think about it, the pain gets worse!
CATASTOPHE PHASE: (10-14) – you now think its the worst case scenario
No need to lie… we’ve all been in this place and asked ourselves many of the following questions:
– This isn’t going away, am I going to be stuck with it forever?
– What if I can’t go back to training, then I’ll put on weight and feel the way I used to feel..
– What if I can’t work? Then I can’t make money and support my family..
– Can;t even play with my kids, am I gonna be one of those guys! That’ll kill me
– Do I need a scan? What’s wrong with me???
REFERRAL PHASE: (DAY 14-28/or longer) depending on severity
– I need to see someone about this quickly, I don’t know who though... I know, I’ll ask my trainer.
Bottom Line: Analysing the problem before you present for a consultation will help the practitioner, but book in with someone BEFORE that 10 day mark – it’ll save you a whole lot of stress that your mind creates for you and the process makes your pain feel worse than what it is!!