BLOG: Men’s Health – Awareness → Action→ Reduction


Awareness is not only for men – It’s important for partners, friends or family!


When people hear the term Men’s Health… inadvertently you think worst case scenario:

  • prostate cancer and

  • testicular cancer


Yep that’s right, we always have our family jewels on our mind!


But what about other issues like sexually transmitted infections, erectile dysfunction, male-pattern baldness, cardiovascular disease, and in my mind one of the biggest issues of them all: mental health, also known as The Black Dog.


I’d like to bring to your attention some alarming facts about men’s health that doesn’t involve cancer or depression.



  • on average, live 4.4 years less than women.

  • are more likely to die from heart disease at early ages.

  • are at a significantly higher risk of dying from liver disease.

  • have an increased risk of dying from diabetes



  • 80% of spinal cord injuries occur in young men.

  • 70% of developmental and learning disabilities affect boys.

  • Men make up 56% of the workforce, yet 94% of all workforce fatalities are men.

  • Alcohol kills almost 6x more men than women.


Most of these facts above are lifestyle related. Which means THEY ARE REVERSIBLE!


That is 70% of a Man’s overall health is determined by unhealthy lifestyle choices, meaning 30% of men’s health is determined by his genetics. The image below sums this up perfectly.

Lets take a look at different decades in a man’s life and see the biggest issues that arise. If you are a guy reading this, or you’re a partner reading this, I like to look at this as “planning ahead”.


20’s – I call this “the fun decade”.

That’s why in young men their is a high incidence of contracting STDs. Some advice for you all: WEAR PROTECTION


It’s called a condom and don’t be afraid to ask if your partner is on some sort of protection too. Their is never a dumb question when it comes to this, and a recommendation, get an STD check, especially if you experience burning while urinating, itchiness (down there), pus discharge from your penis, and discomfort in testicles.


In fact, it is suggested to get a physical and blood/urine tests yearly, and after each sexual partner.


And now to the fun part… lads, get your hands in your trousers, because its testicular examination time from now until late into your life.


Movember describes this as “Knowing Thy Nuts”. Grab 1 of your mates downstairs and feel around for any irregular bumps, granules, tenderness or any change in size or shape. Then rinse and repeat on the other mate down there. I know we spend a lot of our time with our hands in our pants, but it is recommended that you also ask your GP for an exam too.


30s – This decade is the greatest rate for suicides among men.

Very close behind are teenage and 20s years and 40s. This is one of the most ‘in your face’ topics we need to address. Suicide and mental health issues among men have increased significantly over the years.


Great initiatives and organisations such as Movember, Man UP, Beyond Blue and R U OK? are the segway into dealing with suicide and mental health.


One of the hardest things for men to do is open up about such issues, whether they believe it to be embarrassing or an inferior trait. 1 in 2 Australian men experience some form of mental health problem at some stage in their life, and 3 out of every 4 suicides are men.


Guys, don’t be afraid to talk. Talking leads to asking, asking leads to listening, and listening leads to encouraging action!


40s – The decade where all our bingeing, drinking and inactivity really catches up with us.

Cardiovascular and coronary disease are the leading issues here, as well as the scary finger up the bum. Yep that’s right, screening for prostate cancer, well really starts in your 20s/30s, but you’re going to get 1 every year from now on until late in your life. Male pattern baldness, if it hasn’t already popped its head in (pun intended), is surely on its way if your family has a tendency for it. And as 1 bald man to another, fuck it…embrace the baldness and rock the living shit outta it!


50s and 60s –

The time where health checks become more regular as all the issues above are still present, and even more so colorectal screens for cancer and Alzheimer’


So, how do we combat all these issues that arise in men’s health? Lets keep it simple and sweet.


Eat healthy – spend 80% of your diet eating fairly healthy, 10% of your diet eating moderately healthy, and the last 10% eating whatever you want. In simple terms we need a balanced lifestyle when it comes to eating “right”. This will help reduced cardiovascular and coronary disease, diabetes, and improve mental health and physical health.


Be active – not going to say train 6/7 times a week, because lets face it, it probably won’t happen. Try and train 3x/week at moderate intensity. I would recommend 1 cardio session (run, swim, hike, bike), 1 strength session to include weights, and 1 workout session (HIIT is great!).


Get regular checks from the GP – getting regular checks from the GP regarding your health is recommended. Staying on top of your health, whether it be lifestyle related or genetics is an important part of the screening process into Men’s health and prevention.


Be heard – someone is always listening, and from 1 guys to another, we are here for you! Don’t be afraid to speak out, especially if something is bothering you physically or mentally. People often think action requires motivation. No. It is action that generates motivation to create more action to continue the cycle.


Don’t be afraid to take action today, so that we can live life tomorrow.