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Frustrated with your pain?

We’re Chiropractors and Physiotherapists in Sydney providing exceptional care for our patients by using our unique process for finding the cause of your problem to relieve pain FAST

or call to book 9899 5512

Find out about our refined process that consistently gets RESULTS and FAST

The goal is to get you out of our clinic… Not to keep you coming back!!

The impact of pain and injury in our patient’s lives is at the heart of our mindset and fuels our intent. We set our sights on goals that are relevant, we then find the cause(s) and make a plan on exactly how we’re going to achieve those goals.

We work with people that are:

  • Looking for longevity

  • Resetting their health journey

  • You are preparing for a competition or event

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  1. We Get To Know You

  2. Find the Cause

  3. Make a Plan

  4. Follow Up



Experience the difference.

Our promise is to get to know you, find the cause of your pain or frustration, and make a plan to support you.

We follow a tried and tested process to assist with your immediate recovery and identify any underlying causes to alleviate long term discomfort.


Get to know you

45 minute initial consult to understand your problem, the impact it’s having on you and set clear and simple goals.

Find the cause

We use our unique detailed assessment process to uncover why you have developed your problem and why it’s not going away on it’s own

Make a plan

We make a plan together around what the treatment, rehab, recommendations and appointment schedule looks like.

Follow up

We are accessible and we care, but further, we are on the front foot checking in along the way.

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Learn from us



The Balance Experience Podcast


Career advice

Join our coaching program


Tips & insights

Balance Health Blog


Find the right Chiro or Physio for you.

We are always on the lookout for great talent to join our team.

If you think you have what it takes to work at Balance we want to hear from you.


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 Visit one of our Sydney clinics

Norwest | Belrose | Penrith