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Frustrated with
your pain?

We’re Chiropractors and Physiotherapists in Sydney removing
pain FAST with our tried & tested unique process.

or call to book 9899 5512


Over 255,000 consults

Find out about our refined process that consistently gets RESULTS and FAST


Our goal is to help you leave our clinic, not to keep you coming back!


We work with people that are:

Looking for longevity

Resetting their health journey

Preparing for a competition or event


 Frequently Asked Questions


90% of our patients report that they’re PROGRESSING

This is how we do it:

  1. We Get To Know You

  2. Find the Cause

  3. Make a Plan

  4. Follow Up


 What do our clients say?


 We have Physiotherapists and Chiropractors available for appointments across 2 locations in Sydney


Benefits of working
with Balance

  1. Work with people that are well versed in health and fitness

  2. We give you option to choose how to approach your problem

  3. You will have treatment on the first session

  4. There will be a clear diagnosis and success plan

  5. Internal case review processes ensuring best practice

  6. All treatment and rehab will be relevant to your goals

  7. Explanations that are simple + we communicate with coaches

Things you won’t
experience with Balance

  1. We keep you coming back for pointless treatment

  2. We won’t take you or your problem seriously

  3. Our clinics are dirty and untidy

  4. Give exercises you don’t have time for or the right equipment

  5. Repeat the same approach even though it’s not working


Balance Case Studies


Vanessa, 44 years old - Olympic Weightlifter

Presented with neck pain which stops her from performing her olympic weightlifting for which she is a coach and competitor.

Glenn, 62 years old - Marathon Runner

Presented with knee pain and catching with the goal of completing 2 marathons in the next 3 months.

Gladys, 75 years old - Lifestyle activities

Presented with cramping and pain in the left leg which prevented her from walking up and down stairs and gardening

Owen, 25 years old - A tradie who likes to lift

Presented with lower back pain and has avoided doing deadlifts for 2 years which was impacting his confidence and ability to build strength.

Debbie, 60 years old - Post Operative Recovery

Slipped at the pool and fractured 3 bones in her lower leg which required surgery and a plate to fixate the bones.

Xanthe, 32 years old - CrossFitter

Presented with recurrent and gradual onset of sharp right sided upper back pain which would worsen with deep breathing and upper body training

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Learn from us



The Balance Experience Podcast


Career advice

Join our coaching program


Tips & insights

Balance Health Blog


Find the right Chiro or Physio for you.

We are always on the lookout for great talent to join our team.

If you think you have what it takes to work at Balance we want to hear from you.


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