Learning About Your Health

"We repeat what we don't repair"

(Christine Langley-Obaugh)

It goes without saying, repair your injuries!! But that's not the point.

Every patient we meet comes into the clinic not just for pain alone but because the pain is stopping them from doing something important to them!

Over the last decade of practising as a chiro, one observation I’ve had is noticing how in time patients learn more and more about their problem, their body, their health…

It becomes less about us doing the "fixing" and much more about learning how to live in a much more healthy way!

Our speciality is in physical health, so often we help people see the importance of moving more, moving well, being consistent and making that a positive experience rather than "training because if I don't then (insert punishment here)"

We have literally witnessed thousands of people transform their lives, and it's a privilege to behold and be involved in the process!

The other side of the coin…

There are also lots of people that make the decision that their pain is our problem to solve.

They come in when they're in pain, and once that pain is a bit better and they can get back to whatever they were doing, then it's like the problem was never there!

Low and behold…

3 or 6 or 9 months later, they're back again with the same problem!

‘We repeat what we don’t repair’

It is these people (that probably won't read this) who need to learn the crucial lessons about what they need to do in order to live a healthier life.

Pain is an interpretation of a signal and there is research to show that stress amplifies it, and improving emotional regulation decreases it! This has everything to do with personal development and is in the complete control of each and every patient (not the practitioner)

But it comes back to education.

You have the primary role to play in improving your health!

and often…

people make better choices because they are better informed.

Our goal is to support and assist you to repair physically.

Learning about your health and how to live a healthier lifestyle is each of our responsibilities and we all individually need to take ownership of the one and only body we were born with so injuries don’t follow the 3, 6 or 9 month cycle of repeating themselves,

We're here to help, and we always will be!