Staying Healthy in Lockdown

Staying healthy with Balance Physio and Chiro.png

If you’re in Sydney in July 2021, then in some way shape or form, you or a loved one is impacted by the lockdowns.

There has to be a way to help us get through this together, whether that’s within our individual households, or as a collective.

By no means is the purpose of this piece trying to spin the circumstances we find ourselves in like they’re positive! We just hear so many different stories from patients every day, we hear such a variety of experiences and some of the stuff people are doing is pretty cool.

When I think back to last year, when we found ourselves in a similar predicament, there were many people talking about how they would “pivot”. That had to be the word of the year…

The survival of many businesses depended on how well they pivoted through unprecedented (that was another one) times. It seems like this year, people are simply fatigued and a bit deflated… and in many ways, angry.

So how do we manage these fleeting and undulating thoughts?

How do we stay healthy and fit?

How do we not gain 10-15kgs?

Even further, how do you manage to not go stir crazy just looking out the window… Can you go for another walk?

Ideas on what you can do to stay healthy


Steps - During a period like this, hitting around 6000 steps a day. This is about 4.5-5kms per day. It is SO EASY to literally do less than 500 steps a day if you don’t leave the house.. So get out and go for a walk - if the weather is bad, do it anyway. Daily steps targets are a great way to accumulate activity over time, so consistency is key.

Online workouts - Stay connected to your gym community. In particular, a lot of the smaller community based gyms are doing online workouts and programming or even 1on1 personal training sessions at the park. We know many GREAT quality gyms and PTs that are offering these types of services, so let us know if you’d like us to get you in touch with some great active communities


Grazing - it’s the easiest way to lose track of what you’re eating. Fill and refill that bowl of chips, cause let’s face it, you’re not moving off the couch anytime soon…

It's something to be mindful of, and think of snacks and/or junk food as a reward for something productive you’ve accomplished.

You can’t eat it if you don’t buy it - some simple well known tips here…

But the main one is, don't go to the grocery shop when you’re hungry. Everything looks tasty and not only will you spend an extra $50-100 you didn’t need to but you’ll also stock your pantry and fridge with things that you’ll just have to eat… One step further would be to do a pantry and fridge audit and see how many items have just been sitting there that you could either start using as an ingredient or have spent enough time there and it’s time for them to go.


Perspective - A great person to follow on instagram is Peter Crone. Check this post out.
If you have 15mins or so… Peter Crone has an extended piece. 14 Minutes To Change Your Life Forever - Peter Crone - YouTube

Meditation - two great apps to help you observe your thoughts and to learn the skill of being able to control your thoughts and your feelings. Waking up - with Sam Harris - Discover your mind or Headspace App Guided Meditation and Mindfulness - The Headspace App
Meditation can be deep and spiritual, and it can be light and relaxing. It does require some skill and technique, so I’d recommend it be guided. No, meditation is not “clearing your mind” or “thinking about nothing” - if that’s what you think, then it’s time you try one of these apps.

Part of being healthy is also utilising the time and getting focused on something that is productive! Keeping the news on repeat, and diving deep into research might be important to you, but drawing the line and getting productive is much better than scrolling on socials.

Here are some other things you can do… You’re welcome

Get Educated:

Masterclass - A great online platform where you can learn from the world experts in so many different categories. My favourites are Malcolm Gladwell, Daniel Pink and Chris Voss. I think I’ve got a few free passes.. Try this link..

Otherwise, sign up:

Coursera - This is how I was introduced to the world of psychology. I did a 6 week introduction and it gave me enough of a taste to make me go back to uni through 2020 to complete my Psychology of Business and Management.

Who knows what a taste will do for you!

At the very least, this might help you in your career, or just touch on that topic you’ve always been interested in. Coursera | Build Skills with Online Courses from Top Institutions


Board Games - get everyone involved and off the couch. There are heaps of laughs especially if everyone has a red hot go at it. If you want to make it interesting, maybe the winner gets some sort of locked down at home ‘privilege’ - just a thought…

Either way, here’s a link to a few great ones. I’m a big fan of Settlers of Catan. Eight best board games to play in lockdown 2.0 | RACV@Home | RACV

Netflix/Stan/Disney - These are some that I’ve personally enjoyed.. But of course, these might not tickle your fancy. You never know, if you haven’t seen some of these, you might thank me!

High Fidelity (Disney - Star) Star Wars marathon (Release order on Disney)

Harry Potter Marathon (Stan) Shark Beach (Chris Hemsworth - Disney)

Bo Burnham: what. (Netflix: Comedy: It’s a bit dark, but pretty funny)

Fatherhood. (Netflix: Kevin Hart’s movie) Killing Eve (Stan)

Podcasts - by all means tune in to our very own Podcast - The Balance Experience and leave us a 5 star review if you are a fan!!

Home Projects: How’s the backyard going?

There are always things you can do for some upkeep, and it’s outdoors!

The bits and pieces no one has time for… I promise, once you get stuck into it, it’ll get easier. You might just enjoy it!

I hope you enjoyed this piece, and we are here to help support your health and wellbeing in any way we can.