Are Chiropractic Adjustments Actually Good For You?

If you don’t already know, an adjustment is simply a technique we use as part of our arsenal as chiropractors. Yes it may create a cavitation that sounds like a ‘crack’. Really  it’s the same as when as a kid you used to crack your knuckles all the time! 

It’s less important to know what an adjustment is but rather

What Happens When You Get A Chiropractic Adjustment?

I’m possibly a little biased… but it feels bloody good :)

In all seriousness, let me start off by saying what is NOT happening when you get adjusted. 

You are NOT getting your:

  • Bones cracked. 

  • Spine re-aligned or

  • Joints put back into place. 

There is enough research out there to suggest that none of these are happening. Think back to when you crack your knuckles, imagine that every time you cracked your knuckles you were re-aligning your joints. Can you imagine how disfigured your fingers would be after doing this for years?

Luckily it’s not true and the old wives tale...

‘ you will get arthritis if you crack your knuckles’

...isn’t true either otherwise we’d all be doomed. 

What the research actually suggests is happening with an adjustment you’re reducing pain around that area by helping add more movement. You can also create a better connection between the brain and that area of your spine. 

On top of this…

It also releases dopamine (you know that awesome feeling you get when eating chocolate) which can also explain why it feels so good to get your back cracked!

Might even be why we still continue to crack our knuckles… it just feels so delightful for our brains.

To summarise:

  • Proper adjustment are great for,

  • Pain relief and better brain/body connection. Pretty good right!?


Should everyone get adjusted then?

The short answer:


The long answer:

It’s person dependent (still a short answer :P)

In essence…

Using hands on modalities (such as. adjustments) will provide you with the all important pain relief. It will also open up a window for you to be able to perform rehab/exercises with CONFIDENCE.

This will play a major part in your recovery.  As along with education, exercises are said to be the greatest tools at our disposal as therapists. It allows you to be more independent in your own recovery and leads to higher rates of recovery and lower rates of re-injury. 

So adjustments are part of solution when it comes to recovery. Just not the only answer. In fact,  you can become too dependent on the adjustment,  getting treated constantly and possibly cause the area to be more sensitive and slow down recovery.

So yes, adjustments are good for you…

...when used appropriately!

Just make sure you understand what is happening, why it’s happening, and what the plan of attack is i.e. get educated and make sure you’re doing your exercises!

If you suffer from neck or back pain, feel like your spinal movement is restricted, know adjustments have worked for you in the past or simply want to understand more click here and reach out!