How Grief Relates To Pain

Have you heard of the 5 stages of Grief?

The Kubler-Ross Model describes the 5 stages of grief being

  1. Denial

  2. Anger

  3. Bargaining

  4. Depression

  5. Acceptance

Most of the time, grief relates to the experience of loss and in the context of pain and injury, we are talking about the emotional aspect associated with the loss of the function.

Albeit temporary, patients express to us in great depth, about their fear or frustration with respect to what they can no longer do due to pain.

Here are some of the things you might find yourself saying in different parts of the stages of grief as you cope with a significant injury or pain that affects your life enough that you experience a sense of loss:

  • Denial

    • “It’s not that bad—I’ll be fine in a few days.”

    • “I don’t need to see a doctor; it’ll heal on its own.”

    • “This can’t be happening to me.”

  • Anger

    • “Why did this happen to me? It’s so unfair!”

    • “I was so careful—this shouldn’t have happened.”

    • “No one understands how frustrating this is!”

  • Bargaining

    • “If I just rest for a week, I’ll be back to normal.”

    • “Maybe if I push through the pain, I can still train/play/work.”

    • “I swear I’ll take better care of myself if I can just get past this.”

  • Depression

    • “What if I never get back to where I was?”

    • “I feel useless—I can’t do anything I used to enjoy.”

    • “There’s no point in trying anymore.”

  • Acceptance

    • “This is tough, but I’m finding ways to adapt.”

    • “I may not be exactly the same, but I can still improve and grow.”

    • “I’m learning to work with my body instead of against it.”

Any of these resonate with you?

You can’t force yourself through these stages, but processing a signfiicant issue starts with becoming self aware and understanding the process you’re in…

What stage of grief are you in in relation to your current injury?

We’re here and ready to help, whenever you are also ready.