Balance e-books


Your daily 5 minute RECHARGE plan

here are the benefits of downloading the ebook

  • Replenished energy

  • Enhanced mood and confidence

  • Clear mind

  • Less pain and sensitivity

  • Better sleep

this is something you can do every day either in the morning or at lunch

5 ways to manage your STRESS

Here are the benefits of downloading the ebook

  • Enhanced mood and confidence

  • Clear mind

  • Better decision making

  • Less pain and sensitivity

  • Better sleep

  • Improved relationships

Learn how to:

  • Identify and manage emotions

  • Slow racing thoughts

  • Get yourself out of fight/flight mode

Discover our 3 step checklist to learn how to mould your squat to your body

Here are a few benefits to following our 3 step process:

  1. Smoother squat pattern

  2. Increased range of motion

  3. Squat pain free

  4. Help others squat better

  5. Reach your movement goals

Discover our 5 ‘go-to’ exercises to improve your posture

Here are a few benefits to improving your posture:

  1. Enhanced mood and confidence

  2. Improved spinal range of motion

  3. Decreased pain levels

  4. Improved movement efficiency

  5. Increased energy levels

  6. Enhanced breathing