Jen’s Top 3 ‘Local’ Hikes in Sydney

The actual treatment side of physio or chiro is just one part of the equation at Balance. Whilst it’s important, you also need to uncover the cause and understand the impact the issue is having on your everyday life.

It’s why ‘Getting to Know You’ is a part of our patient promise.

Everyone knows relationships are a two way street so we thought this would be a great opportunity for you to learn a little more about our Bondi Chiro Ninja, Jen.

When not sticking needles into tight traps, releasing tight hamstrings or leaving cupping marks down your back everyone who knows Jen, knows she has 3 great loves. 

  1. Hiking

  2. Ice cream and 

  3. Cooking

And probably in that order too… there’s also a questionable fourth of starting Christmas Celebrations in October.

Side note: Jen is the only one of our practitioners at Bondi who uses cups for those who love that type of treatment

We asked Jen to give us an insight into her love of hiking by briefly highlighting her top 3 hikes (which even includes one where she got lost the first time).

So here they are:

Jen’s Top 3 ‘Local’ Hikes in Sydney


Every weekend without a doubt (pending weather and work), you will find me spending my Sunday out and about in whatever weather mother nature throws at me. Whether it be somewhere hours outside of Sydney or 30mins from the city centre, the great outdoors has something to offer  no matter how far I venture out. 

Hiking is the tool I use to slow down my mind, and allows me focus on myself and my own thoughts. I ABSOLUTELY FREAKING LOVE how I can venture to the same spot for consecutive  straight weeks and still manage to discover something new. The textures of the rocks, the colour of the waves crashing, the canopies, sometimes even friends come out to say hi (I’m talking about bush mice, snakes and wallabies here). You should give it a go! 

These are my 3 top adventures in and around Sydney. Check them out, explore and let me know what you think! Top tip: Get in early to avoid traffic and people 😂 

Figure 8 Pools

Distance: can be as long or short as you want pending where you park. Most direct path is from Garrawarra Farm Carpark and return. Roughly 6kms and can take between 1.5 hours - 2.5 hours. However, I have spent 7 hours here once between these two locations, just cliff climbing and wave watching, and it was oooohhh so worth it.

I always breathe a little deeper after a day here. 

You must check tide times before you go, please note low tide with high swell equals a no go. 

PLEASE PLEASE bring water and take your rubbish with you 

Grand Canyon Loop 

Distance: about 6kms, and roughly 3-4 hours. 

If you’ve ever watched Fernfully: The Last Rainforest - then you’ll love this track.

I highly recommend watching first light hit the mountains at Evans Lookout. It feels like the earth is waking up and the changing hues of blue showcases the mountains for what they are - a true natural artwork of this weird and wonderful world.

As you walk along the track you will hear water follow you. They drop off from above and trickle down the side of the canyon along the ferns (which are about 2000 years old, by the way) and make a beautiful echoing peaceful sound. 

Post walk, refuel at the Red Door Cafe in Leura OR load up on sugar and let your inner child run wild in the Candy Store at the Arcade:

Clover Hill Road 

Distance: 6kms, 2-3 hours. 

Not going to lie, my first attempt at this trail took me 5 hours or so. There is no clear path, I got lost, I fell, and there were plenty of ‘wtf’ moments. In saying so.. It was well worth it. 

The beginning of the walk is like a scene from Jurassic Park (or TV show “Lost”), the trail then looks easy UNTIL all you see is rocks and a creek bed. You follow the creek bed up and up.. and up to Mulangong Falls. From there the next obstacle is finding your own path to the magnificent Clover Falls, where you can take a dip and cool down. 

Warning: There is NO track between the two falls. Find your way there and back, and leave 
enough daylight hours as a buffer just in case.

The beauty of the forest is fleeting, changeable and imperfect. Please take care and try to reduce your impact on the environment as you work your way through. 

Hope you can get out and enjoy some of these amazing hikes!

Love, JEN ! xo